


Inviting New Partner Organizations for ichLinks


March 03, 2022

2차 협력기관 모집 배너.jpg

ICHCAP invites the new partner organizations for the ichLinks, an Integrated ICH Information-Sharing Platform in the Asia-Pacific Region (www.ichlinks.com).

The partner organizations are key actors who collect and share the ICH information in their respective countries and utilize the shared information to enhance the visibility of ICH and cultural diversity.

Last year, ICHACP designated five partner organizations in Malaysia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. The selected partner organizations shared their ICH data through the ichLinks, and ICHCAP supported them to build their own ICH database as well as to develop digital content.

This year, ICHCAP will designate the 2nd group of partner organizations. The selected organizations are supposed to share their ICH information and may get the financial and/or technical support upon their requests.

Those who wish to be the ichLinks’ partner organization, please send us your application (attachment 3) with the recommendation letter from the related government authorities by 15 June 2021. Among the applied partner organizations, those who need financial and/or technical support, please send us your project proposal (attachment 5) by the same date as above.

For any inquiries on the project, please contact the ichLinks secretariat at ichlinks.secretariat@gmail.com.