International Symposium on Tugging Rituals and Games to Be Held from 9 to 10 April in Dangjin and Online
March 03, 2022
2021 Tugging Rituals and Games Poster Image © ICHCAP
The 2021 International Symposium on Tugging Rituals and Games for Its Sustainability, “Living with ICH: Tugging Rituals and Games” will be held for two days from 9 to 10 April with on/offline hybrid format.
In last year, celebrating 5th anniversary of its inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the UNESCO, diverse events had been planned. Though, because of the global pandemic, all were postponed and only December event was held via online.
Therefore, the expectation of this symposium is pretty high, particularly among four countries where done multi-nomination. This symposium aims to understand better the value of the element and its sustainability in present. Notably, the 2003 Convention acknowledges ICH’s re-creativity, as a mainspring of cultural diversity, by communities and groups. The emphasis of the event lies here. It is crucial to share each country’s activities and build a network for vitalizing their ICH safeguarding activities for the sustainable development of humanity.
Not only experts’ multi-angle analysis, two in-depth discussion sessions are prepared. In accordance with Gijisi Juldarigi Festival, the rituals with commentary will be live streamed via ICHCAP YouTube channel on 8 April, too. You can find more information from here.
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