


Webinar on Youth and Nowruz Traditions Safeguarding to be held on March 26


March 03, 2022

A Scene of Nowruz Festival in Kazahkstan ⓒ ichLinks.jpgAuthor: The National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO

A webinar on “Youth and the Safeguarding of Nowruz traditions” will be held on March 26 2021 in Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

The City of Shymkent celebrates its 2200th anniversary. It has been included in the List of anniversaries which UNESCO is associated in 2020-2021.

The Mayor of Shymkent and the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO invite representatives of the National Commissions from the countries which have celebrated Nowruz holidays for centuries.

This will provide a unique possibility to share the experience of transition of traditional knowledge and ritual practices from its ancient origin to the global contacts and modern IT technologies. The main topic for discussion will be the youth involvement to learn, study and safeguard the rich cultural heritage of the predecessors and historical memory, and resume of the cultural interaction at the Great Silk Road.

More detail on this webinar and the information for registration are available at https://webwebinar.online/en/youth-and-nauryz-traditions-safeguarding/