

Children’s Rite of Cutting the Rope “Tusau Kesu”

[ English ]
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Highly traditional nomadic rites, such as the tusau kesu, have been preserved among the Kazakhs, but the people’s understanding of the rites has been transformed. For Kazakh forbearers, rituals like tusau kesu (cutting the rope) or ashamayga mingyzu (landing on a horse) were rituals for beginning a journey, the journey through life and the exploration of the space around them. Many Kazakh families believe that the tusau kesu rite helps accelerate the child’s physical development so that the child can walk confidently, but if the child walks weakly, the rite can be repeated. The rite also symbolizes the discovery of a life path. The rite transfers spiritual and physical qualities to the child from a respected person elected by the parents. A grandmother, for example, shows the techniques of fetter weaving to her granddaughter.
Video Photographer Aleksey KAMENSKIY Year 2017
Place File Size 3,268
Definition File Format mp4
Copyrights ICHCAP, the National Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan for UNESCO, Tajik Film -
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