

Heritage of Korkyt-ata

[ English ]
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Korkyt-ata invented kobyz, a two-stringed instrument covered in goat leather, and wrote many kyus (songs), eleven of which have survived to this day. His dedication to the instrument is why the Mausoleum of Korkyt-ata on the banks of the Syr Darya River was made in the form of a giant kobyz. The traditional kobyz manufacturing process is based on a master-apprentice system through which the master transmits his knowledge and skills through formal (educational institutions) and informal communication (at home, in the family).
Video Photographer Aleksey KAMENSKIY Year 2017
Place File Size 1,904
Definition File Format mp4
Copyrights ICHCAP, the National Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan for UNESCO, Tajik Film -
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