

Tussau kessu – Kazakh family rite

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Country :
ICH Domain :
Social practices, rituals, festive events
Location :
Tussau kessu rite is wide-spread on the territory of Kazakhstan
Year of Designation :
Description :
Tussau kessu (kaz."Tussay kessu") is one of the most common traditions and customs among the Kazakh nation, which has ethnographic features. This custom is considered one of the most significant events in the child's life. The origin of the custom is associated with magical belief in the hidden strength of the fetters that hold back unstable steps of a toddler. And if they are cut, then the toddler begins to walk confidently. This belief is found among many people of the world. In particular, it has been preserved to this day among the people of Central Asia.
There is another belief, that if toddler takes his first steps and reached the family not stumbling then he would be very capable.
The main purpose of giveaways is association of aul neighbors, relatives, friend around the principles of humanity and respect. Gifts are also given to the toddler. If he is a boy, then a horse might be given as a gift.
Meaning :
The toddlers's mother, and if she does not exist - the grandmother, the day before the ceremony Tussau kessu spins a yarn of colored wool (white, black), and handmade gable thread (sometimes can be added blue thread) offers a woman with a special character (sometimes it can be a man), who is fast and energetic in walk and insists to cut the tie-up toddler. A toddler is tied-up exclusively with colored threads. Striped thread ("Ala gip") in the popular understanding has sacred meaning, "striped" ("ala") is a symbol of uniting the two worlds (earth and heaven). In different regions of Kazakhstan its own characteristics associated with the rite Tussau kessu. For example, in some places the toddler is tied-up with striped thread first, then with colon ( "toq ishek") of a sheep, and in the end with twisted strands of grass.
Communities :
Despite the fact that this celebration is common to all the inhabitants of the village, its epicenter could be women community. Mostly women and mothers are invited as guests to the ceremony Tussau kessu who gave birth to several generations of descendants. Parents, grandparents of a toddler intend to cut an animal, and that are supported by relatives on the eve of the ceremony Tussau kessu.
Information source :